A Day in the Life of an Equestrian

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There’s more to being an equestrian trainer than working with horses.


Every horse is different and so every training approach needs to be tailored to each horse.

Every horse is different. Some are calm and steady, while others are more high-strung and excitable. Some are timid, while others are more independent and confident. Some might have been abused in the past, or have a history of being bullied by other horses—or maybe they were just born with an aggressive streak that needs to be tamed out of them! Others might have been raised on a farm since birth, so they’re perfectly happy being led around by their owner’s hand without any training at all!

Each of these situations can affect how your training process goes—and what kind of relationship you’ll build with your horse over time. For example, imagine that you’ve got two new owners who want to buy new horses from your stable: one couple has never owned a horse before but is excited about learning how; the other couple has owned several pets in the past but has very little experience with animals larger than cats or dogs (this isn’t uncommon). The first couple will obviously need more guidance than the second couple when it comes to handling their new animal friend—and vice versa!

Training a horse goes beyond working with the animal directly.

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An equine trainer’s job also involves things like teaching students and maintaining training facilities.

In addition to caring for and training horses, equine trainers also teach students. This can be done individually or in groups. Equine trainers need to keep their facilities clean and maintained, as well as recruit new students if they are not getting enough business. They also have to administer medication to animals if they need it (this is usually done by a veterinarian), maintain records of all horses’ work schedules, and meet with other trainers regarding their own methods or techniques that could help improve their business in the future.

A trainer’s schedule depends a lot on their location, season, and students’ schedules.

A schedule is flexible. It depends on location, season and students’ schedules. Student’s schedules are flexible but the trainer’s schedule is not as flexible in the winter.

A trainer’s day might include some tasks that aren’t what you’d expect from an animal care job.

A trainer’s day might include some tasks that aren’t what you’d expect from an animal care job. Trainers must be able to communicate with students, and they must know how to run a business.

Trainers have to have a working knowledge of licensing and insurance requirements in their area. They need to understand how to use equipment, such as horses and tack (saddles, bridles, etc.), safely and effectively. A trainer also needs a good understanding of supplies such as feed, bedding materials like straw or hay bales for stables; shampoos; hoof picks; first aid kits; fly masks for horses (horses can get sunburned too!).

Trainer’s also need to keep track of budgets—what supplies cost each month? How much does it cost for upkeep on the property? You don’t want your clients getting sticker shock when they see multiple months’ worth of bills at once!

It takes a lot of preparation, knowledge, and attention to detail to be an equine trainer.

In the equestrian world, there are many tasks to do besides just training horses. A good equestrian must know how to care for the animal’s health and well-being, including cleaning up after them, feeding them and giving them water, grooming them daily or weekly depending on the needs of each horse type and breed (horses have different needs). They also need to be able to give their horses exercise by riding or driving them around an arena or pasture.

A good equestrian trainer will also have a wide range of knowledge about animals in general—their anatomy, physiology and diet requirements–and more specifically about how horses act when they feel safe around humans so that trainers know what kind of touch is appropriate when working with horses each day.

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