Equine Vivariums for Sale

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The Equine Vivarium has a central panel that extends outward from the center of the vivarium, which allows your horse to turn around or lie down comfortably.

The central panel of the Equine Vivarium extends outward from the center of the vivarium, allowing your horse to turn around or lie down comfortably. The size of this central panel varies depending on what size vivarium you purchase, but it is usually almost as wide as your horse’s body length. The larger sizes allow for more space for movement and resting, which is especially important for older horses who may be unable to move themselves as easily in tighter spaces.

The central panels are made with a high quality insulation that keeps your horse warm while they sleep or eat hay or pellets during winter months when temperatures drop below freezing outside their enclosure. They are also removable so you can clean underneath them without having to remove an entire side panel!

Your horse can enter and exit the vivarium easily through an arched door, which also allows a person to walk in and work on your horse with ease.

The central panel extends outward from the center of the vivarium and can be rotated out of the way to allow your horse to enter and exit easily. This arched door is large enough for a person to walk in and work on your horse with ease.

The Equine Vivarium is designed for easy cleaning—all sliding doors are removable, and the entire inside of the vivarium is easy to spray and wash out.

As you know, horses need to be groomed on a regular basis. The Equine Vivarium is designed for easy cleaning—all sliding doors are removable, and the entire inside of the vivarium is easy to spray and wash out. This helps keep your horse healthier by preventing harmful bacteria from forming on their coat or in their environment. Plus, it makes maintaining your habitat much simpler!

Equine Vivariums are safe and durable, and can withstand all kinds of weather conditions—including harsh winters, when horses need to stay warm in order to be healthy.

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Your horse’s mental health is as important as their physical health. Horses need ample space to run, play and be with other horses in order to feel safe and happy, even if they’re not grazing on pasture grass all the time.

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Equine Vivariums don’t just improve your horse’s life—they also make your job caring for them easier!

With an equine vivarium, you’ll have more space for your horse to run around and play in. This means less fencing to maintain and improve the safety of your horse. It also means that cleanup is much easier because there are fewer places for dirt to get trapped and build up over time. Instead, horse waste can be easily removed from the flooring surface using a broom or rake—or even just by vacuuming!

This is especially great if your horse needs regular vet care or medication because it makes it much easier for you to access their feed, water, bedding and other supplies necessary for them without having to go through any fences or gates. If they need extra exercise on top of what they do inside their enclosure during the day (such as walking around), then it would make sense that they should also have enough space outside so they can run around freely without worrying about getting stuck somewhere along the way!

There are lots of ways you can improve your horse’s life! Check out our Equine Vivariums today!

Have you found that your horse is not happy living in its current environment? If so, there are plenty of ways to improve their quality of life. We have several different types of Equine Vivariums for sale, including our best-selling Horsehead Vivarium. This product is made from high-quality materials and will last for years to come! Check out our website today to find out more about equine vivariums and how they can help your horse thrive.

We also have another great option available: The Horse Paddock Environment Kit! This kit comes with all the supplies needed for a healthy enclosure, including mesh fencing and soil mix. The best part? It comes complete with instructions on how to set up your own enclosure quickly and easily so that you don’t need any experience prior knowledge before creating one yourself!

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