How to get more speed out of your horse

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Set your horse up for success.

It’s important to remember that, unlike a machine, your horse is an animal. That means that success for your horse depends on its own definition of the word and varies from horse to horse. For example, one horse may be very proud of himself if he can get out of his stall while another won’t feel successful unless she has reached her peak speed in an open field.

Success doesn’t always mean moving faster than you ever have before—it could mean anything from achieving a simple walk to galloping across the open fields at breakneck speed! This is why it’s important to know what success looks like for your particular mount before embarking on any journey together.

Start with a solid foundation.

When you think of a horse that is fast and powerful, what image comes to mind? Perhaps it’s a thoroughbred or other breed with long legs and an elegant stride. If so, your perception may be correct! The truth is that any horse can be trained to have a solid foundation for speed. The first step toward building a strong base for your riding is understanding what constitutes a solid foundation in the first place.

A solid foundation means that the horse is straight and balanced on his back feet; he will look “upright” when viewed from behind. A balanced front end includes both front legs being equally weighted and parallel with each other—no one leg “in front” or “behind” the other—and the rider sitting squarely on top of the saddle pad rather than leaning forward off-center toward either side (this type of rider positioning can cause problems with balance). Equally important are good hindquarters: balanced left-to-right; not leaning into an inside leg too much; standing well behind flat under tack pressure (not pinning down hard against it).

Have fun with it.

You can have a lot of fun with speed. The more you enjoy yourself, the more your horse will enjoy himself. If you are having fun and enjoying the ride, then chances are your horse will be as well. So try to make sure that you are doing things that both of you can do and be patient with each other when things don’t go quite as planned.

It is also important for riders to remember that horses need a good attitude from their rider in order for them to perform at their best level. If riders recognize this fact and keep their minds focused on improving their riding skills rather than thinking negatively about themselves or their horses’ performance, they will most likely see an improvement in both rider and horse performance levels over time.

Finally, remember that safety comes first! Make sure there’s adequate space around where ever it is that

Know what success looks like.

The first step to getting your horse to go faster is knowing what success looks like. This is important because it allows you to truly understand the difference between a successful ride and an unsuccessful one, which can be difficult when you’re working with a moving animal.

So, what does success look like? Well, first off: understanding that there is no one perfect way of riding or training horses isn’t enough. Sure, there are trainers who claim that their way is best and everything else is wrong—and there are lots of people who believe them—but these people are wrong about this! That said, having some concrete ideas about how your horse should behave when he’s going at full speed will help him learn what behaviors lead to more speed from his rider (and make sure you’re not accidentally doing something counterproductive).

In short: If you know where “good” ends and “bad” begins then it becomes much easier for everyone involved in the process to enjoy themselves while they work toward achieving those goals.

Balancing the equation.

To get the most out of your horse, it’s important to balance the equation. Balance training with rest; balance physical with mental (and vice versa). The same goes for speed. And if you’re looking for a way to increase your horse’s speed, the best thing you can do is find a nice balance between pushing yourself and giving him time off from those efforts.

A good foundation will help you get more speed out of your horse and from riding in general

One of the most important things to know is that speed is a result of three factors: balance, position and connection. The more you can focus on these three things while riding, the faster your horse will go.

Balance means that your horse is able to maintain an even stride at all times, whether he’s trotting or galloping. It also means that he’s not moving either too far back or too far forward in his travel. If your horse has great balance, then he’ll be able to move forward smoothly without any excessive head movement (unless it’s for steering purposes). Position refers to both how high up on their backs each rider sits as well as how close together both riders’ heels sit relative to one another (this alignment helps with control). Connection refers mostly to how much energy passes between rider and mount through contact points like reins and legs; this includes using proper leg cues such as squeezing lightly or releasing pressure during turns while also keeping hands light enough so they don’t become burdensome when holding onto the reins throughout long rides at speed!

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