Your horse cannot understand English
Your horse cannot understand English. He cannot understand the words you are saying to him, or the commands that you are trying to give him. However, this does not mean that he cannot learn how to communicate with you, or that your relationship will fall apart because of a language barrier.
What can horses understand? Horses are able to pick up on basic body language cues and emotions from their rider (such as when they’re happy or sad), but this doesn’t necessarily mean that they know what these emotions actually mean for them in their day-to-day lives; it just means that they know when something is happening! They also have an excellent sense of hearing and smell – which makes sense considering their natural habitat is out in wide open fields where sound travels easily across distances and smells are strong enough for anyone who cares about smelling things well enough (which would be any animal).
You cannot speak with your horse’s ears
A great way to understand the language of your horse is to learn the language of the hands.
You have the ability, with your hands, to communicate and get your horse to do things.
Your horse will respond when you use your voice or body posture. Using both means that your horse will be able to understand what you want him/her to do even if there is noise or other distractions around them.
Your hand needs to become a new language.
You’re going to have to learn how to communicate with your horse through touch. Your hand is going to become a new language for your horse. You’re going to be able to tell them what you want and how you want it, but only if you can learn the language of their body.
Your horse cannot understand English, but they can understand touch. You’ll need to become fluent in this language if you want your horse drive well.
When you learn to drive you are also learning to communicate through touch.
Sometimes, people will say things like, “I don’t know how they can ride without being able to see the horse’s head.”
While this is a valid point, it doesn’t quite capture the full nuance of riding in terms of communication.
In fact, equestrian communication relies heavily on touch and sound as well as sight.
When you learn how to drive your horse, you are also learning how to communicate through all of these senses at once: touching with your hands; feeling your horse’s movements through his body; listening for sounds from him that let you know where he’s focusing his attention; smelling his breath and body odors so that you can tell if he is stressed or relaxed—and then using these senses together to determine what action needs taken next (or whether it’s time for a break.)
Driving a horse is like learning a new language and it takes time to learn this new language but it will help you become a better driver.
You may think of driving as something you have to do in order to get across the field, or to get your horse ready for the show ring. But it’s actually much more than that!
When you start learning to drive a horse and learn how to communicate with them through touch, it will help you become better at communicating with other people too. In fact, many people who are learning how to drive horses begin training their horses by using an English saddle (the saddle used for riding), which is placed on top of a wagon or cart instead of being ridden! So if this interests you and sounds like something fun and new, read on!