What are your plans for a girls night out? Check out our top 10 list of things to do

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Have an in-home spa night.

Have an in-home spa night. Friends are often the best medicine, and a spa night provides the chance to spend some time unwinding with your pals. You can have fun creating homemade spa recipes right in your own kitchen and then apply them to each other in the comfort of your home.

If you’re not sure where to begin, start by asking everyone to bring one homemade treatment from a recipe they found online (think: sugar scrubs, masks, etc.). Then ask each person to share with everyone else about their favorite part of the recipe-making process as well as what benefits they expect from their treatment. This allows for discussion about different ingredients and how they affect skin differently.

Friendship is beautiful just like you!

Hit the dance floor.

Sometimes when we get together with the girls, we want to do something a little more exciting than just hanging out and eating (we’ll write about those nights soon). Why not dance it out?

No matter where you go, there will be music. If you don’t like the music being played, go somewhere else. There are many different places to dance in any city. Look around! You might discover your new favorite hot spot.

Dancing is also something you can do with anyone—even if they can’t talk! Music is a great way to get rid of stress and have fun at the same time!

There’s always time for another girl’s night out…even if it means just dancing around your room while getting ready for work in the morning.

Comedy club.

Laughing with your girlfriends is a wonderful, healthy bonding experience. It’s also proven to improve your immune system and relieve stress. If you’re feeling like you want to mix things up on the weekend, find a local comedy club, or check out what’s playing at larger venues in nearby cities. This could be a great activity for establishing new friendships, since laughter already creates a bond between people. (Cue: “Friends” opening theme song.) The right comedian can have you clutching your sides and wiping away tears of joy as they riff on anything from politics to relationships and back again. There are few better ways to unwind than this—and best of all, the show usually costs less than the price of a movie ticket!

Group cooking class.

Whether you’re a seasoned chef or someone who can barely manage four-minute eggs, group cooking classes are an excellent way to get any group of friends together. Best of all, the activity can be adapted to fit any skill level—if you want to cook up something fancy, great. If you’d rather just throw some ingredients in a pot and call it “soup,” that works, too.

If your friends and you love food, this is a no-brainer of an activity. Nothing brings people together more than sharing a meal, so why not learn how to make it yourself?

Group cooking classes are also a great way to try out new flavors. The next time someone says they’re craving pad thai but they don’t feel like going out for Thai food again (we’ve all been there), you can surprise them by whipping up their favorite dish at home! You might even find that your friends have rave-worthy recipes of their own. You’ll bond over the delicious results of your collaboration — and if things don’t go as planned? Well…you’ll at least have some laughs about it later!

Trivia night.

Trivia night is a great way to catch up with friends and learn something new! It’s also the perfect place for you to show off your breadth of knowledge.

Grab some friends, find a local bar or restaurant hosting trivia night and join in on the fun. Pro tip: Don’t forget to bring along your appetite because food and drinks are an important part of this experience.

Show off your skills by remembering all those random facts you learned in high school, college or from watching game shows like Jeopardy. Then reward yourself with an ice-cold beer (or two) after answering questions like “Who invented the telephone?” (Hint: it’s Alexander Graham Bell).

But don’t be discouraged if you can’t remember every detail about American history or pop culture – there are usually a few easy questions that might help you earn some points!


Concerts – If you’re looking for a fun night out with your girls, concerts are always a great way to go. Make sure to buy the tickets in advance so that you don’t have to wait in lines at the box office! There’s nothing worse than getting to a concert and missing your favorite song because you were stuck waiting in line. Also make sure to organize a group of friends so that you can all take advantage of the show together! Concerts are definitely one of our favorite things on this list and they are usually pretty affordable as well. Make sure to eat before going and take some snacks with you, just in case! Also make sure that whoever is driving knows where they are going and knows the layout of wherever it is that you’re going. Good music makes everything better and we promise that cheap concert tickets will not disappoint.

Paint and Sip party.

Paint and Sip parties are the perfect girls night out because you get to express your creativity while drinking wine with your friends. Paint and Sip classes are offered at bars, restaurants and wineries in your area. The instructor will teach you step-by-step how to paint a piece of art that “you” created. You can bring snacks or food with you while you’re painting too! To find a Paint and Sip class in your area, click here: [url]

Have fun!

Go to a local museum or exhibit.

A nice public museum or a traveling exhibit is the perfect choice for you and your friends. A museum gives you and your friends a chance to learn about the history of your city while also getting a chance to see beautiful works of art. Going out with your friends can be even better when it involves learning something new, seeing new and interesting things, and meeting new people!

There are many museums in every city, so there should be one near you. Maybe check on the internet for museums near you! Maybe call up a friend who lives in another town and see what museums they have there! Or maybe even ask your local librarian for some recommendations! There are always local exhibits coming through, so check around to see what cool things will be there soon.

Visit a zoo or aquarium.

Visiting a zoo or aquarium is one of the most popular things to do in any given city, and for good reason. The creatures living there are always fascinating to watch and learn about, and sometimes even visible from the sidewalk through floor-to-ceiling windows. This becomes especially fun when your group can view animals that aren’t native to your city—lions, penguins, elephants, sharks, etc.—and really feel like you’re getting out there and experiencing something new.

Relax at a botanical garden or arboretum.

Taking time to relax and unwind with girlfriends is a great way to enjoy each other’s company. Visiting a local botanical garden or arboretum is an ideal activity for a day trip or afternoon of fun. The sights and sounds of the outdoors can be very soothing. Enjoying a picnic lunch together can make the outing even more enjoyable, as you take in all the natural beauty around you. You may also want to bring along your sketchpads or cameras so that you can capture your favorite scenes from the gorgeous gardens.

Making time for girls night out can be beneficial for everyone’s health and happiness

  • Making time for girls night out can be beneficial for everyone’s health and happiness.
  • Women are better at communicating with other women. There are always things to share and talk about, from kids to recipes and shopping tips.
  • It is fun to get together with friends and have a good time! A lot of laughs will be shared for sure. No one has to do the dishes or clean up, the men have that covered this time. And yes a few cocktails are allowed too!
  • It is a good way to escape the daily stresses of life. Men don’t always understand what women go through every day, except other women. We know what it is like to change dirty diapers, cook dinner every night and handle our own jobs while trying not to lose ourselves in the process. Getting away from our daily lives even if it is just one night a month can make all the difference in how we feel about ourselves and how we approach life’s challenges day after day

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