Top 5 Reasons Why The Long Form Sales Funnel Is Broken

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1. It’s built for the wrong people.

One of the biggest problems with the long form sales funnel is that it’s built for the wrong people.

The long form sales funnel was created by marketers and salespeople, not readers. It’s meant to help them sell their product or service as fast as possible. They need something that will increase their conversion rates and make sure they get leads into their database. So they throw together a landing page, create an eBook and add in some content upgrades (longer blog posts). They set up some email sequences to follow up with those leads and then they sit back, relax and wait for all the money to roll in… right?

It doesn’t work like that though! When you start selling a new type of product or service online using this model, you’re going against what’s been proven over time – that people don’t want things shoved down their throat! If there’s one thing I’ve learned from being an entrepreneur myself it’s this: “People don”t buy products because they are told too…they buy because they want too!”

2. It won’t work for most product categories.

Here’s the thing: there are two types of products and services that people buy. Some are high-ticket, and some are low-ticket. If you’re selling a low-ticket item, then an expensive upsell won’t work because nobody is going to spend $50 on it after they just bought something for $10. On the other hand, if you’re selling a high-ticket item like a car or house or boat or something, then customers aren’t going to care about all these extra add-ons that come with it. They’ll go straight for what they want (the car) and not be interested in any additional features or accessories unless those features will make their lives easier (like a built-in GPS system).

3. It doesn’t take trust into account.

  • It doesn’t take trust into account.

Salespeople are often taught to build trust with their prospect before attempting to close them on a sale, but this is done in the wrong way. Trust is built through transparency and honesty, not by pretending to be someone you’re not or selling something that isn’t true. It also means understanding how your product will solve problems for your customers before they even know they need it solved, not just telling them what they want to hear so you can close the sale.

4. It uses brain-dead content as a key component.

The content strategy for most long form sales funnels is brain-dead.

It’s focused on selling, not helping.

If you’re going to use a sales funnel, you need to provide a solution that is focused on needs and wants—not just a bunch of boring crap about how awesome your product is.

For example, if you’re selling software that helps people with their taxes (this would be an actual example), then your content needs to be interesting, helpful, and engaging. It should teach them something practical about taxes without being overly technical or boring. This means you can’t just slap together some basic information about how the software works and call it “content.”

5. It doesn’t have a built-in focus on actual needs

The long form sales funnel doesn’t have a built-in focus on actual needs. The long-form funnel is too general, and therefore doesn’t actually meet customer needs. A better approach is to use a tailored approach that takes into account your customers’ individual circumstances, which will give you a better outcome.

The Long Form Sales Funnel Is Broken

Let’s first address the elephant in the room:

Does this mean that you should ditch your long form sales funnel? Not necessarily. It can still be effective, but only when you understand how it works and who it works for. The point is that many marketers aren’t aware of this, so they continue to try it on every product category instead of tailoring their marketing strategies to each specific market.

The Long Form Sales Funnel Is Broken Because It’s Built For The Wrong People (Not You)

At its core, a long form sales funnel is built around building trust with prospects over time by providing value through content that helps them solve their pain points. While there are many different ways to do this (and I will get into those later), most marketers use a tried-and-true formula like the following:

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