How long have you wanted to own a horse?
The next thing you need to know is how long you have wanted to own a horse. If this is something that has been on your bucket list for many years, then it might be worth looking into buying one. But if you are just starting out and not sure if this hobby will stick with you, then maybe it is better to take lessons or lease a horse first, so that when the time comes for purchasing your own horse (or pony), there will be no question about whether or not this is what you really want.
Where will you keep it?
You will need to consider how much space you have available. Horses need room to roam, so finding a place with a large pasture is ideal. If you live in an urban area, you may not have the option of keeping your horse at home. Luckily, there are many options for people looking to keep their horses on property other than their own: leasing from a boarding stable or sharing a pasture with other owners.
If you do decide that having your own land is feasible for you, it’s important to remember that fencing is expensive and hard work. You may also want to consider hiring an electrician if there aren’t any poles onsite for electric fence posts (this can be tricky depending on where you live). It will surely cost more than just buying some cheap plywood! Make sure that whatever type of fencing system works best within your budget before committing yourself financially by purchasing materials upfront—it’ll save loads of time later down the road when dealing with permits and contractors!
Can you afford one?
The next thing you need to consider is whether or not you can afford a horse.
For the most part, horses are very expensive animals. They require a lot of care and attention, including feed, vet bills, farrier bills (the person who trims their hooves), equipment for riding (bridle and saddle), board at a stable or grassland where they stay while you aren’t there to take care of them personally, travel expenses when going on trips or shows with them in tow (like trailers), any lessons needed to train them properly – all of these things add up quickly! This doesn’t even include the cost of showing your horse in competitions like saddle seat clinics where they compete against other riders’ horses while wearing elaborate outfits.
What breed/discipline are you interested in?
As you begin to explore the world of horses and horse ownership, it’s important to consider which breed or discipline best suits your needs. If you are only interested in riding recreationally, then perhaps a Quarter Horse would be appropriate for you. On the other hand, if you have aspirations of becoming an Olympian or competing in dressage competitions, then a Thoroughbred might be more suitable.
If this seems overwhelming—and it most likely will—then don’t worry because there are many resources available that can help guide your decision making process as well as provide insight into each individual breed’s characteristics and personality traits (for example: docility versus aggressiveness). For example:
What is your level of riding experience?
Your level of riding experience is an important consideration, especially if you’re thinking of buying a horse. A horse is not a great place to start if you are a beginner. Riding is a sport that takes a long time to learn, and it can be dangerous for beginners. If you’re inexperienced with horses or want to take things slow, it may be best to look into leasing first rather than buying one outright.
What are your goals with this horse?
There are many different types of horse sports. If you want to learn about a specific type of riding, you may want to consider checking out the websites for the National High School Rodeo Association and American Quarter Horse Association. These organizations offer information on their events, such as barrel racing and cutting (you can find more information about these here).
Horses come in all shapes, sizes, ages and prices—it’s important that you know what kind of horse you want before buying one because once you’ve purchased your new barn buddy there’s no going back!
Does this horse have any medical issues or soundness concerns?
- Does this horse have any medical issues or soundness concerns?
If you’re planning to buy a horse, it’s important to know if they have any preexisting conditions. Some horses may have minor issues that may not be too big of a deal. Others might come with more serious medical problems that could lead to expensive vet bills down the line. If you aren’t sure about what the health of your potential investment is like, talk to people who’ve worked with them and ask for pictures of them in action so that you can see how they move and how healthy they look overall. Your best bet would be to find an experienced trainer who can give you feedback on how much riding experience the horse has had and whether or not he/she seems like he/she’ll live up to your expectations as far as temperament goes (i’m looking at YOU ross!).
What kind of paperwork does this horse have?
The next thing to check is the paperwork. Does this horse have any papers? If so, what kind of paperwork does it have? Is it a registered horse? Does it have a pedigree? How much training does it have and from where is that training coming from (a private trainer, a professional organization like the Canadian Equestrian Federation)? These are all details that will help you determine whether or not this particular horse is right for you.
How well trained is this horse, and can the owner put it in writing?
If you’re not trained in horsemanship, it’s important that the horse be as well trained as possible. Depending on how much experience you have with horses, there are different levels of training that can be expected from an animal. For example, a young horse will probably not have learned how to trot or canter yet. However, it should be able to walk and stop on command. The more advanced your knowledge of horses is (and the older the animal), the more complex its training needs to be. Before purchasing an untrained horse without any prior owner experience or knowledge about basic riding skills and commands like “walk,” “trot,” “canter,” and “stop,” make sure that whoever is selling this animal has put all their training information in writing so there are no misunderstandings between buyer and seller later down the line!
Before buying a horse, make sure you know what you are getting yourself into.
- Horses are expensive.
- Make sure you know what you’re getting yourself into.