Fouaad Mirza, What Is In And Out of Style

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If you have ever played one of those ‘Choose Your Own Adventure’ games, you know there are times when you make a choice and it really doesn’t work out, so you have to go back to the previous choice and try something different. That is kind of how I feel about fashion styles.

Like in the Choose Your Own Adventure books, you can make some bad decisions when it comes to fashion. A lot of people think that they are making a good choice when they wear a floral print turtleneck with jean shorts and white tennis shoes, but I am here to tell you that this is not a good choice. It will look like you have been hiding in the closet for three months with only your mother’s clothes and an old copy of Vogue magazine to keep you company. Before you go out in public, think about what the consequences of your choices will be. You might want to go back and choose something different.

I just want to start with this comment: baggy jeans aren’t cool, like at all. Just to give that definition for anyone who doesn’t already know what I mean when I say “baggy jeans”. I think we should bring back the slim fit pants, if only because they look better on most people.

Keep in mind that the first step to beginning any fitness routine is to set goals for yourself. You can’t know if you’re successful until you have a way of measuring that success, so set yourself up for success by setting objectives and defining which achievements will count as meeting your goals. For example, if your goal is to start losing weight, don’t just say “I want to lose weight”–define how much weight you want to lose, and by when. If you want to increase muscle mass, decide what parts of your body you want to tone. Don’t define your goals based on anyone else’s expectations; remember that it’s all about what’s right for you and what makes you feel good.

In terms of setting these goals, be ambitious–you should always give yourself something worthwhile to work towards–but be realistic as well. If this is your first time truly committing to a fitness routine, think about what kinds of results are achievable within 3-6 months rather than 3-6 weeks or days. After all, nothing will derail a good workout regimen quite like poor planning!

Honestly the best part of the cold weather is wearing cute coats and jackets, though admittedly I am a little sad that we won’t get to see as much fun fashion in the colder months.

It’s so tragic, isn’t it? The fun, breezy days of summer are over and for the next several months you won’t be able to wear your favorite shorts or dresses, which I know is heartbreaking. But there’s a silver lining: the colder weather means that you can wear your cutest coats and jackets! To rock cold-weather fashion effectively, think about layering. You don’t have to just throw on a sweater and call it good; try wearing a t-shirt underneath a button down shirt with a cardigan on top. You can even add another layer on top of that if you’re feeling funky by throwing on a coat or jacket. And of course, don’t forget your accessories! A beanie or scarf can make any outfit look ten times better.

Speaking of accessories, some people are afraid to experiment with different styles because they assume that it takes more effort than if they were to wear an ensemble from head-to-toe in the same color family (like all black). However, I’ve found that mixing different materials and textures has made my outfits look more put together than anything else. My favorite combinations lately include pairing leather boots with jeans, or patent leather shoes with wool socks (because I’m kinda obsessed with socks). The most important thing is to not take yourself too seriously… have fun!!

Socks and sandals are always a good look.

When it comes to our feet, socks and sandals are always a good look.

In fact, I’m going to argue that in some cases—like when you’re wearing Birkenstocks with jeans or a pair of Stan Smiths with shorts—socks and sandals make your outfit. It’s almost as if the look is incomplete without them! Some people may think this pairing is less than stylish, but we know better. Socks and sandals look good together no matter what anyone else says, and there’s even evidence that this combo can be dated back to the Ancient Greeks, who wore them for the same reason I like to: because it makes walking more comfortable.

Socks and sandals have been around for millennia (seriously), so they’re here to stay. If you haven’t tried them yet, now’s your chance!

This is not really an opinion, it’s more of a general fashion statement that applies to every person regardless of their style choices otherwise. Ugly clothes are ugly and should be avoided at all costs.

There are certain rules that all of us should follow when it comes to what we wear and how we choose to style ourselves.

First, ugly clothes are ugly. Avoid them at all cost. They will not make you feel confident or good about yourself and they will probably hurt your chances of success in life. Confidence is important. Remember that!

Second, you should wear clothes that make you feel good about yourself. It’s okay if this means wearing only sweatpants or going out every night in a full tuxedo with white gloves and a monocle—as long as it makes you feel good, go for it! This can also apply to dressing up a certain way for special occasions—there’s nothing wrong with wanting to look your absolute best on New Year’s Eve or Halloween! Just be sure to pick outfits that fit your personality and don’t forget accessories like scarves and headbands.

Third, try to avoid wearing clothes that don’t fit you well ~~or worse than ill-fitting clothes is wearing an outfit which is uncomfortable~~: baggy pants aren’t always flattering but tight jeans might pinch where they shouldn’t pinch so choose wisely (and remember comfort).

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