10 Rules of Equitation

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1.) For every rule there are always exceptions.

When you’re breaking the rules, you need to be aware of all the risks and consequences. If you are riding a horse that is not properly trained, or if it is injured, or if it has an infectious disease, then there will likely be some sort of negative outcome. Injuries can range from mild to life-threatening and may include concussion, broken limbs/bones/joints, paralysis and even death. One thing that’s important to remember is that horses are living creatures with their own thoughts and feelings too; they don’t always do what we want them to do! So before breaking any rules try talking with someone who knows more about horses than you do (a professional trainer or vet).

2.) Safety awareness is the most important element in jumping.

  • ) Safety awareness is the most important element in jumping. Safety awareness means being aware of your own and your horse’s physical and emotional needs. The rider should always be aware of the horse’s mental state, as well as its physical status (i.e., whether it is tired or injured). A properly fitted helmet and safety vest should be worn at all times. It is also critical to have an adequate warmup before a jump course so that both horse and rider are prepared for what lies ahead; this includes a safe arena and equipment (e.g., rails), which will not injure either party if they happen to fall off course while competing together.

The most important part of jumping safely comes from having proper training from an equine professional who understands how to ride safely around other horses as well as being able to teach others about these rules.”

3.) A balanced rider creates an equilibrated horse.

  • ) A balanced rider creates an equilibrated horse.

A rider’s position is important in any horse riding discipline, but it is especially so in jumping. Situations can arise quickly during competition that require you to be able to react and control your mount quickly and effectively. Every rider should have a well-practiced set of movements that they can use when needed, so that their seat will remain in the correct place at all times. The following rules apply:

  • The rider sits in the saddle with his spine straight, his shoulders relaxed and his weight distributed over the stirrups (so that he doesn’t fall forward). This allows him/her to move easily from one side of the horse to another without losing balance or stability.
  • His legs should be slightly bent at all times, so if he needs to lean out over a jump he won’t lose his balance on landing back on solid ground again (which might happen if both legs were fully extended).

4.) Harmonious communication between horse and rider builds trust, confidence, and performance.

Now that you have an understanding of what a harmonious partnership is, it’s time to discover how to create one. This takes time and patience on the part of both rider and horse. It’s not something that can be taught; rather, it must be developed over time through mutual trust and understanding.

As a human, your goal should always be to create an environment where both horse and rider feel comfortable with each other. This means being able to read your partner’s body language in order to understand what he or she needs from you at any given moment during training or jumping competitions.

5.) Form follows function in all phases of riding training.

The fifth rule of equitation is that form follows function. The horse must be able to respond to the demands of the rider, and vice versa. In order for this relationship to work successfully, both parties must be fit enough to do what they need to do.

If you’re going to train your horse so that he can jump over fences, then he needs to be conditioned properly. If you want him running at speed through a course with jumps on it (and hopefully not falling off), then he should probably have been doing some kind of speed training beforehand!

This rule also applies when it comes down to choosing which type(s) of jumping fits into your lifestyle as an equestrian rider: if you want something like hunt seat or western pleasure instead of dressage or eventing because those other disciplines don’t suit your schedule right now… well then maybe later in life when time becomes more flexible again?

6.) The severity of a particular difficulty must be proportionate to the level of training.

Let’s say you’re a trainer with a horse that’s just starting out in jumping. You might start it on the lowest fences, and then gradually work your way up to more difficult obstacles as the horse gets better. This is called “laddering”, and it’s a great way to build confidence in the horse while continuing to increase its training level at an appropriate pace.

But if you were only planning on competing at local shows for fun, then there would be no reason for you to push your little pony too far above its head level just yet! The same thing goes for adult horses: if they’ve been jumping consistently well at one level but haven’t been asked for anything more difficult yet, there may be no need for any drastic changes in their training regimen. If a horse has never jumped before and hasn’t even demonstrated basic control over his movements during flatwork exercises such as trotting in circles or moving from side-to-side (commonly referred to as “bending”), then he could potentially benefit from some extra schooling before being introduced into an arena full of jumps

7.) Every exercise must have a purpose and every movement must pursue a goal.

  • ) Every exercise must have a purpose and every movement must pursue a goal.

The best exercises are those that teach the horse something important about jumping, such as how to take off with speed or how to avoid jumping too wide. All the rules of equitation should be designed so that they help you reach your goals. If you know what your goal is, it will be easier for you to determine which exercises will best help you achieve it.

8.) A well-schooled horse will move forward, backward, left and right when required.

A schooled horse is one that can move forward and backward as well as left and right when required. This is a fundamental skill for any horse, whether it’s jumping or hacking around in the field. All horses should be able to move forward and backward; this allows them to move out of the way of an obstacle or other horses, if necessary. The same goes for sideways movement: If a horse has been taught how to back up properly (i.e., not plow into things), he can clear obstacles or escape from danger by backing up at speed.

9.) Intelligence without obedience is dangerous; obedience without intelligence is useless.

The ninth rule of equitation is “Intelligence without obedience is dangerous; obedience without intelligence is useless.”

Let us take a moment to remember that horses are intelligent animals. They have their own personalities, strengths and weaknesses just like humans do. Both humans and horses require training from an early age in order to develop good habits and avoid bad ones.

Training a horse can be a complicated process because the animal is so intelligent and sensitive, but it’s also very rewarding when you see your horse learning something new after struggling with it for weeks or months on end—and then accomplishing that task effortlessly! A well-trained horse will learn commands easily while also knowing when they shouldn’t listen (for example if they’re spooked). This allows both rider and horse to enjoy each other’s company even more than before

10.) Training horses is not only about teaching them everything but also about undoing their bad habits or conditioning the great ones to remain so.

  • ) Training horses is not only about teaching them everything but also about undoing their bad habits or conditioning the great ones to remain so.

We all know that it is easier to prevent bad things from happening than fix them after they have happened. The same applies for horses as well, so it is important to keep an eye out for any unwanted behaviors, and try to avoid them before they become a habit.

With the appropriate attitude and preparation, you will ride better than ever before and look good doing it!

  • With the appropriate attitude and preparation, you will ride better than ever before and look good doing it!
  • The most important thing to remember is that in order to be successful at anything, you must put in the effort. This was never truer than in equitation. You can’t just show up and expect your horse to do all of the work; you need to work hard yourself as well. Preparation is key in every aspect of life; it’s no different with horse jumping. You must prepare both mentally and physically for each event by focusing on what needs improvement, then working on it until it happens naturally without any extra effort or thought.

This can be very difficult at times because everyone has their own way of doing things—but if something isn’t working for you personally, try something else until something does work! At first this may feel awkward but once again don’t give up! It’s easy for someone else who knows what they’re doing all along but even though I’m still learning from mistakes my horse makes sometimes (and vice versa), we keep getting better together every time we go out there together because our bond strengthens each time we compete together successfully after making changes based on feedback from others who’ve been where we currently stand today.”

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